Pathophysiology and Motility |
Functional and Diagnostic Aspects of Upper Digestive Tract
& Appetite
of Hunger & Appetite
Hyperorexia: Hypermetabolic
state, Diabetes mellitus, Psychic Emotional state
Parirexia: Specific
nutritional deficiency or need ( Ca, salt etc), Pregnancy
Anorexia: Anorexia
nervosa, Pharmacologic effect, Excess smoking, Fever,
Vitamin def., GI disorder ( Hepatitis, Ulcerative
colitis ),
Dehydration, Hypometabolic state, Neurogenic, Radiation therapy
Mastication, Deglutition ( 3 stage: oral, pharyngeal and esophagus
Swallowing & Deglutition of the Esophagus ( Stage of oral & Pharynx 省略不談)
Essential physiologic requirement:
Oropharynx : peristalic wave is concentric
Laryngopharynx : "suck" the
food into laryngopharynx,
Epiglotis : closing the air conduit
→ the distal travel of the stripping wave
Cricopharynx: co-ordination
of the food vs air to GI
and Ventilatory
Hypopharnx: starting peristalic wave
continues without interrption
The body of Esophagus : at the rate of 2 to 3 cm. per second
Terminal portion of the Esophagus ( 1 or 2 cm. above the hiatus esophagus
"high-pressure zone"
plays a significant role in the swallowing mechanism.
In the resting state: HPZ
keep higher pressured than the body of esophagus.
As swallowing onset, HPZ ( physiologic valve ) prevent gastric reflux (
and impulse the food to stomach ( relax)
may monitor by
test unit as well
as PH measurement.
Diagnostic Aspect of Esophagus |
Anatomic : esophagogram, rigid or fiber-esophagoscopy, esophago-endoscopic-ultrasound,
CT image study etc. surrouding check: bronchofiberscopy, mediastinoscopy,Thoracoscopy, Caval system angiography etc.
: Static esophago-motility
& PH manomery; vs Dynamic
studies, Continuous
24 hrs PH manometry and motility record; → computerized
portable 24 hrs record