
  Specific Diseases of the Esophagus

項目 所屬大綱 說明
Plummer-Vinson Syndrome Plummer-Vinson Syndrome dysphagia and hypochromic anemia; may be associated with achlohydria, glossitis, stomatitis, brittle nail and stricture of the mouth, stricture of the esophagus
Mallory-Weiss Syndrome GI Bleeding Protracted vomiting ( poor nutrition or electrolyte depletion ) → tears in the gastro-esophageal mucosa → blleding
Achalasia Cardiospasm, Innervation of Esophagus non-relaxing and obstructing segment at E-C junction, → entire length of esophagus dilatation, cause unknown, responds with increased activity to parasympathetic agent, histologic abscent or decreasd Auerbach's plexus
Scaphoid abdomen,
Dilated, hypertrophic upper esophagus, choking and cyanosis
Esophageal atresia, with or without connecting to trachea Differential diagnosis is necessory
Esophageal varices, blue varices, Erosion of varices Varicosis Surgical and non-surgical treatment will be judged 

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