牙四  外概考古題:                   →回返課程

( b ) Which part of left lung is corresponding to the right middle lobe:

    (a) basal segments (b) lingual lobe

(c) Post-traumatic unstable chest wall will be seen in: (c) Which one often gives the first indication of the pulmonary neoplasm (d) Which is the up-to-date method in the surgical treatment of tuberculosis? (b) The transbroncoschopic biopsy is not recommended when the lung lesion presents sign of: (d) Which of the following statements about lung cancer treatment is right? (c) Which one of the following lung cancers results with poor prognosis? (b) Peripheral lung cancer is usually diagnosed by (b) FiO2 = 0.2 means (d) The reason for surgical treatment in pulmonary tuberculosis is (d) Congenital retraction of the lower sternum is named (d) Surgical treatment of the bronchiectasis should be judged by (a) Traumatic hemothorax is usually handled by (a) Pancoast tumor designates (c) Posteriordiaphragmatic hernia is that one through (a) Which one is the most troublesome on the flail chest patient: (c) "3 T" of mediastinal tumor: (d) 氣胸有時可併發休克,對於此種休克的處理應該是: (a) 胸部外傷的型態,以下列何者最多: (c) 下列肺癌,以何者予後最差: (b) 胸管引流系統中,最重要的步驟是: (d) 下列有關肺結核的描述,何者是錯誤的: (c) 肺癌病人出現聲音沙啞時, 以下列何種原因最為常見: (d) 肺癌分期的目的為: (b) 小細胞肺癌的治療; 以下列何者為最佳治療方式: (d) 食道癌最常出現的臨床症狀為: